Casing & Clipping Solutions
Since 1975 Inox Meccanica have been focused on manufacturing a range of Forming & Clipping machinery to assist in casing/netting a variety of meat products.
From the first forming unit Inox Mecnicca made they have been a company that has looked to pioneer in this sector introducing a variety of automatic forming machines that combine a clipping head to offer great savings in labour, yield and material.
Even today their focus in this area continues with recent developments in high speed units to meet production demands, automatic loading systems and ancillary machinery to help with further forming of products such as ovals gammons/chicken/beef… together with clipping machines that offer unrivalled flexibility for use with fillers.
Whilst the boundaries of forming technology have been pushed they still manufacture machines for all sizes of processing requirements and budgets… including an entry level forming machine that is simple yet effective and utilises the technology developed throughout the range… this is also an area where table-top clipping safety has been greatly improved.