Our service team run by Richard Taylor comprises of highly qualified technicians who are always on hand to help you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether for your stand-alone machinery or complete production lines, the Danfood team is available to assist you with:
• Mechanical or technological breakdowns or malfunctions
• Set-up and installation
• After-sales service
• Staff training
• Preventative maintenance
• Servicing or overhaul
• Equipment optimisation
For assistance on any of these enquiries, our customer helpdesk is just a telephone call away. In some cases remote assistance can be accessed via modem. Otherwise a visit to site can be arranged.
We provide high-quality technical courses with our specialists offering your employees professional training. Furthermore, they ensure that the design of your production process is optimally aligned with any machinery and equipment that is being installed.
We design bespoke Service Contracts that supply you with a program to fit your business and provide a cost effective way to keep your machinery well maintained, and appropriate documentation for maintenance is available ensuring audit compliance. Service contracts ensure that regular replacement of key components in line with manufacturer recommendation is carried out reducing the risk of downtime and product out of specification.
If you would like to know more about service, training or maintenance, please do not hesitate to contact us.